Dos and Don’ts of Vaping at the Beach
With the gorgeous weather lately, you’re probably thinking about hitting the beach!
After all, what goes better with your favorite flave than sunshine and fresh air? That said, there are some things you’ll want to take into consideration before vaping at the beach.
Here are some quick tips to help you enjoy your beach trip to the fullest:
1.Check the local regulations
Unfortunately, some beaches don’t allow vaping. In Laguna Beach, California, for example, there’s a ban on vaping at the beach.... So, you’ll want to check your local regulations to make sure the beach you’re going to is vaper friendly.
2. Bring a case for your kit
The beach is a lot of fun, but sand does tend to get into everything! The last thing you want is to get sand into your mouthpiece or buttons. So, protect your device by carrying it in a proper case. You can also keep it extra safe by tucking your case into a Ziplock bag and sealing it.
3. Keep your batteries safe
It’s important to be aware of battery safety while at the beach. Between the sunshine and the hot sand, your batteries can easily overheat. Check your device often to make sure it’s not too hot. If you notice your device overheating, put it somewhere cool and don’t use it until it’s back to normal temperature. It’s a good idea to keep your kit in a Ziplock bag in a cooler!
4. Bring some cleaning supplies
If your device does get sand on it, you’ll want to have some cleaning supplies on hand. Bring a small cleaning rag, so you can wipe your device down. If need be, you can always take your device apart and rinse them out too.
5. Be conscious of other people
Even if your beach is vaper friendly, it’s always a good idea to be aware of the people around you! Your friends probably don’t mind the delicious smell of vapor, but other people might. So just use your best judgment, and if you have to walk a couple paces before taking a puff, no big deal right?
We hope you found these tips helpful, and that your next beach trip is a blast!
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